
Find all news from Museum Vestsjælland here

Museum Vestsjælland often has good news to share. With six municipalities, 12 departments and a large archaeological coverage area, a lot happens here. Find all the latest and previous news on this page. 

TV 2 East article

5000-year-old human bones swarm forth

Museum West Zealand's archaeologist Lone Claudi-Hansen talks about the discovery of the skull in Skælskør After three years of intense work, the archaeologists have finally managed to get down


The time pocket

Free guided tours, stories and games

Download the Time Pocket and go exploring in the open air.

For both children and adults.


Listen to Podcasts

- dive into the history of West Zealand

Take advantage of our extensive collection of exciting podcasts

We tell stories from all over Central and West Zealand and it's completely free!


Note: Danish only