Organisationen Danske Museer opfordrer Rusland til at respektere Haag-konventionen 1954

The Nordic Museums Associations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden strongly condemn the unprovoked Russian invasion of the democratic and free Ukraine. We mourn human losses, and we fear irreparable damages to the cultural heritage.

The Nordic Museums Associations receive reports of museum colleagues in Ukraine struggling to preserve and protect objects and collections. As museum colleagues we honor the work of Ukraine´s museum staffs. Museum professionals safeguard the cultural heritage of Ukraine.

Russia has ratified UNESCOs 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, the 1954 Hague Convention. By doing so Russia has promised to protect collections and museums during armed conflicts. We urge Russia to respect the Convention and to fulfil this promise to spare museums and collections from attacks and destruction.



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Note: Danish only