Lecture - HAV, The voice of the sea in Denmark
Klostrstræde 18, 4300 Holbæk
In connection with Sjællands Teater's performances, HOTspot offers Holbæk Museum tours about West Zealand's importance in Danish colonial history.
Sjællands Teater's HOTspot is about Denmark as a colonial power. Among the Danish colonies was the Danish West Indies.
Come along on a fascinating tour of the "West Zealand/West Indies" exhibition with the museum's expert Karen Sivebæk Munk as your guide.
Hear about the many connections between the West Zealand province and our former tropical colony in the West Indies. Get an insight into the tragic consequences of slavery and oppression through objects such as sabers, photographs and chains - strong testimony to a dark chapter in Denmark's history.
Also get an insight into how the colonial era has shaped both local communities and people across the Atlantic.
Price: ISK. 50
Tickets must be purchased in advance via: the ticket express
NOTE: Participation in the tour is only possible if you have also bought a ticket for the theater performance.
Buy a ticket for Sjællands Teater's performances on HOTspot here https://sjaellandsteater.dk/program/hotspot/
Note: Unless otherwise stated, this event will be held in Danish
Klostrstræde 18, 4300 Holbæk
Storgade 17, 4180 Sorø
Bakkekamen 45, 4300 Holbæk
CVR.nr. 32689760
EAN No. 5790002335914
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Note: Danish only