Permanent exhibitions

Opening hours

12 August – 15 September
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: at 10.00-16.0
Wednesday: at 10.00-16.00
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: at 10.00-16.00
Sunday: at 10.00-16.00

NOTE The last opening day at Anneberg is 15 September, after that it is open at Grundvigsvej 12, 4500 Nykøbing Sj.

New Odsherred Museum

In connection with the relocation of Odsherred's Museum to the Grundtvig School in Nykøbing Sjælland, the historic garden will also be moved. Or in reality it returns home. The museum's beautiful garden has its roots in the original Museum in Nykøbing and was moved with the museum to Anneberggård in 2004. Now the museum is moving into the buildings of Grundtvigskolen and with it the garden. It is not cheap to turn a schoolyard into a garden, but luckily the Nordea Foundation's "here we grow" pool decided to support the project.

The beds that are created will be filled with approx. 175 utility plants. Plants that have been used for medicine, dyeing clothes and in connection with superstitions in the old days.

The garden is planned, conceived and weeded by the volunteer group Lugekonerne. If you want to join or have questions, write an email to

cultural history exhibition for odsherred

New exhibition opens on 11 October

We are working hard to set up a new exhibition with unique museum objects that tell very special stories about Odsherred through time. 

Drawing with the sun chariot, flowers, paint palette and entrance gate

Opening hours at Odsherreds museum

Opening hours 2024

12 August – 15 September
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: at 10.00-16.0
Wednesday: at 10.00-16.00
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: at 10.00-16.00
Sunday: at 10.00-16.00

NOTE The last opening day at Anneberg is 15 September, after that it is open at Grundvigsvej 12, 4500 Nykøbing Sj.


Note: Danish only