Kalundborg Archaeological Society

Kalundborg Archaeological Society is an integral part of Kalundborg Museum. The association participates in archaeological investigations led by Museum Vestsjælland and the National Museum, where the members, among other things. performs excavation, water soldering and detector search. Other activities include reconnaissance in the fields and along the coast, trips to archeological sites, arranging exhibitions, visits to other museums, lectures, etc.

The Archeology Association was founded as a result of a course arranged by Kalundborg Museum in May 1986. The association has about 70 members, both amateur and professional archaeologists.

The members of the Archeology Association must be members of Kalundborg Museumsforening, of which it is a part. The Archeology Association holds the only permanent seat on the Museum Association's board. The Archeology Association is a member of the Danish Amateur Archaeologists (DAA).

The Archaeological Society publishes a membership magazine three times a year. In addition, the association publishes briefings to the members (photo reports), articles and reports here on the website.

Kalundborg Archaeological Society's board:

Helle Gjøl
Tel.+21826247 XNUMX

Soren Rasmussen 

Secretary and practical coordinator:
Bent Mortensen

Karen Vestergaard

Karen M. Boysen

Nina Nyberg 

Erosion of the Sermermiut settlement at Ilulissat Icefjord

- a non-professional assessment by David I. Barry, Kalundborg Arkæologiforening, 2014


Note: Danish only