Afforestation and windbreaks

When establishing forests or windbreaks, the primary threat is most often deep plowing, which has a destructive effect on ancient monuments. You must stop the work by finding ancient monuments and call the museum if there are ancient monuments. Therefore, it is a good idea to contact the museum in advance.

Below you can read more about the special rules in the area.

Private afforestation with subsidies from the State

When you have to raise forests with state subsidies, the Palaces and Culture Agency and the Danish Nature Agency have agreed that the museums must have an influence on the project. The museums must therefore make a statement. The statement is possibly based on reconnaissances and / or an archaeological feasibility study. The statement indicates whether there are significant ancient monuments on the area. If this is the case, in most cases you will avoid deep plowing on the site or possibly take it completely out of the afforestation project.

In the magazine Skoven no. 1 - 2015, the Palaces and Culture Agency has prepared the article “Forestry and ancient monuments - dialogue and cooperation“, Which you can pick up!

Ancient monuments in the forests:

In our forests there are more than 15.000 protected ancient monuments, which are protected by law. It places great demands on modern forestry. The Palaces and Culture Agency has therefore prepared the guide “Forestry and Ancient Monuments - Preservation of the forest's cultural traces“, Which you can pick up!

Leaning fence:

If you need to establish windbreaks and want a 60% subsidy, the Palaces and Culture Agency and FødevareErhverv have agreed that the museums must have an influence on the soil cultivation method. In practical terms, this means that in connection with your application, you must enclose a statement from the museum, which FødevareErhverv uses to assess the subsidy.

The statement is based on the Palaces and Culture Agency's form (see link below), which you can download and fill in with data about your project and send to the museum, which then makes an assessment and prepares the statement. In some cases it will be necessary to carry out an archaeological feasibility study before the declaration can be prepared, but as most windbreaks are less than 5000 m2, it will often not mean cost to you.

Take advantage of this scheme by shelter planting.

It facilitates the museum's case processing and response time if you can provide the locations of the windbreaks in eg mapinfo format.

Leaning fence unrelated to agriculture

When establishing windbreaks that are not linked to agriculture, such as foreclosure around buildings, the same rules apply as for construction. Therefore read more on the page ”Construction".

The Danish Agency for Culture has prepared a leaflet “Wall fences and ancient monuments”, Which you can pick up!


Note: Danish only