Practical information about the departments


Opening hours

The museums in Museum Vestsjælland have different opening hours.

You will find the relevant opening times under the individual museum. 

Go to the list of museums in Museum Vestsjælland.


Entrance prices can be found under the individual museums.

Companion for the disabled with companion card: free admission.

You can also go directly to the ticket express to buy entrance tickets to the museums.

Go to the list of museums in Museum Vestsjælland.

Find your way compass

find your way

Under each museum you will find a menu item called "Information". Here you will find e.g. a link to Google Maps that easily shows the location of the museum.
Please note that not all of our museums have parking attached. However, there is always a public car park nearby.


Museum Vestsjælland offers a large and varied range of city walks, guided tours, lectures, holiday activities etc.
You get an overview on the page "It happens"

Archery coach in front of Sct. Bendts Church
Handicap tracks in paving


Many of our museums are located in very old houses. Therefore, only a few have wheelchair access or are accessible for people with walking difficulties.
Under the menu item "Information" under the individual museum, it appears whether the museum is accessible to people with walking difficulties. 
Clearly marked service dogs is permitted at Museum Vestsjælland's departments.

museum shops

Most of Museum Vestsjælland's departments have cozy museum shops with a wide selection of gift items, books, toys, postcards and other exciting things. In several places you can also buy drinks and ice cream. 

Museum West Zealand's logo


Museum Vestsjælland can be contacted by phone or e-mail. 


Headphone no .: 59432353

Calls to the main number are answered:
Tuesday to Sunday at 10 - 16
The phone is not answered on Mondays and public holidays

The time pocket

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For both children and adults.


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Note: Danish only